Monday, March 30, 2020


This past year my professional career led me to Jacksonville University
as Assistant Vice President for Admissions.

Back in 2012 my son Connor enrolled at Jacksonville University.
Throughout his undergraduate career I connected with counterparts at JU in various offices.

VP for Student Affairs Kristie Gover and I have a mutual friend in Tara Singer with ODK.

I talked with Associate VP for Student Solutions Tom Taggart and former Director of Admissions Allana Forte at various conferences about JU and the profession.

President Tim Cost was the featured speaker at a professional association conference I coordinated. He has been instrumental to my son’s professional career in Washington, D.C.

Professor Shelly Grant was a faculty mentor to my son. Her daughter Caroline now works for me as a student assistant.

Former Mizzou student Karen Feagins has lived in Jacksonville for a number of years. She stored my son’s belongings one summer and we reconnected again once I moved here.

Indiana State University college friends Bill and Kara Alford moved to Jacksonville as well.
They introduced me to Joe Bowers, co-owner of Party Shack who I since have assisted in identifying distributors around the country for his product!

Angie Morgan Kaiser is a former college classmate that helped me identify my new doctor.

All this in nine months! Through social media and word of mouth my lifetime connections have opened doors!

Developing and cultivating relationships over time opens doors.
It has created opportunity's in way’s that I never imagined!

The point is NETWORKING has no borders and doesn’t tell time!